Kristy Siefkin


How Cooking Stir Fry Made Me Comfortable On-Video

The secret to getting comfortable talking to a camera?

Cook lots and lots of STIR-FRY. 🥘🍚

At least that’s what I did. No, I wasn’t ever a chef on Food Network (although that would be a dream!). But the time I spent over a wok made me more confident, poised and calm on video.

You see, when I first started learning to present on camera, I knew I needed to do it regularly to get comfortable.

That meant finding ways to film myself organically during my every day activities.

As a grad student, I was short on time and cash, so cooking stir-fry with frozen veggies was a go-to. Every time I’d cook dinner, I’d pretend I *was* on Food Network. 📺


I’d prop my phone up on the kitchen counter, hit “record” and talk into the camera is if I was making an award-winning recipe.

🎤 I’d describe the flavor and aroma of the various spices I’d add.

🎤 I’d talk about the vitamins and minerals in each veggie.

🎤 I’d compare the benefits and drawbacks of cooking with coconut oil, olive oil and peanut oil.

Was it nonsense? Yes. Did it make me more comfortable talking to a tiny, lifeless camera lens? Absolutely.

The fastest way to get comfortable on-video is to practice by speaking passionately about something you know inside-out that’s part of your regular routine.

It will feel awkward at first and you will likely cringe at the result (I sure did!). But the more you do it, the easier and more natural it becomes. That ease will start to show through in your videos.

So what will it be? Tuning your instrument? 🎻 Organizing your closet? 👖 Pruning your garden? 🌹

Whatever you choose, hit record every day. ⏺️
You’ll be amazed how quickly your confidence soars.