The Greatest Gift To Your Audience
What makes you want to watch and listen to some people speak, but tune out to others?
❌ It’s not the laser focus eye-contact.
❌ It’s not the perfectly orchestrated hand gestures.
❌ It’s not the strategic pauses and strong projection.
These are all necessary and powerful technical elements of presenting well. But if you focus on them exclusively, you won’t stand out when you speak in person or on video.

What will make you stand out?
That may sound obvious, but authenticity is often shoved aside so we can appear “perfect”. If you are a high-achieving introvert (guilty!) you may have falsely been taught that presenting “by the book,” without error, is the answer to engaging an audience. It’s not.
If you really want to connect with your audience, you need to show your authentic, true self.
That means:
Speaking from a place of passion and purpose about your expertise, even if you drop the occasional “um” or “ah.”
Not being afraid to appear a bit shy or quirky, just because someone made you feel like an outsider for it in the past.
Sharing your unique view on a topic, even if it’s unpopular or controversial.
This will feel uncomfortable, unnatural and even scary -and- take a lot of practice.
It will also turn you into the strong, compelling presenter who makes people put down their phone to watch and listen.
Your authenticity is the greatest gift you can give your audience.
#GoToSpeaker #Presentation #PublicSpeaking #Confidence